Back in summer of 2015 when KOTFE story beginning was already announced (the only thing known ws that your character is to be frozen in carbonite for several years) there was a discussion of SWTOR official forum about what it could be like for different classes. These are the funniest suggestions.
Written by Abvora:
Written by Deshiel:
Written by Xakthul:
Original thread here
Written by Abvora:
Imperial Agent
(Merc #1 and #2 walk into a completely empty room)
Merc #1: Hey...wasn't there some guy frozen in carbonite hanging on this wall?
Merc #2: I think you're right...Where'd s/he go?
(Merc #2 drops dead from a headshot/knife in the back. Merc #1 turns and is killed in a similar manner)
Agent: I didn't go anywhere.\
Sith Inquisitor
Merc #1: (over holo) We're being torn apart out here! It's a Sith, sir!
Merc Commander: No need to panic, we've handled Sith before.
Merc #1: S/He's throwing lightning everywhere and cackling about "the return of Darth Nox/Imperius/Occulus!" I really don't think--
(merc drops dead to the ground)
Merc Commander: Hello?
(The Inquisitor picks up the holo)
Inquisitor: No one keeps me locked up. (smirks) Your men are dead. You're next.
Jedi Knight
Merc #1: Drop your weapon and put your hands in the air! Resistance will be meet with violence!
Knight: Before you try to stop me, consider this: I killed the Emperor. Do you really want to try and stop me?
(mercs stand aside)
Knight: I didn't think so.
Republic Trooper
Merc #1: Wait a minute, that insignia on your armor--Havoc Squad? But--but they were wiped out years ago!
Trooper: (shoots the merc) We got better.
Sith Warrior
Merc #1: Well, this just isn't your lucky day, prisoner. You wake up after a ten-year nap and find yourself trapped in a room full of armed soldiers, all ready to kick your ***.
Warrior: An astute assessment. However, you've made one mistake.
Merc #2: What mista--(gets decapitated)
Warrior: I'm not trapped in here with you. You're trapped in here with me.
Merc #1: (squints) How long did you said you've been working here, again?
Smuggler: Oh, only a few days. I still get lost--I was trying to find the exit and wound up down here! Mind pointing a fellow in the right direction.?
Merc #1: Right...I swear you look just like that prisoner we've got in the mega-security section.
Smuggler: I'm told I resemble many famous people.
Merc #1: (muttering) Been a while since I heard anything from the guys down there, come to think of it...anyway, exit's that way.
Smuggler: (shoots merc) Thanks, sucker.
Jedi Consular
Merc #1: Die, Jedi scu--
Consular: (waves hand) You don't want to fight me. You want to surrender and tell me what's going on.
Merc #1: You know, I really don't want to fight you. And you seem like such a nice guy and all...waking up from carbonite must be disorienting, why don't I tell you what's going on?
Consular: Much obliged.
Bounty Hunter
(The Hunter walks out of their carbonite prison, stretching. The mercs in the room wheel to face them)
Hunter: Owww. (cracks neck) So that's what being stuck in carbonite feels like. Kind of feel bad for all those guys I took alive, now.
Merc #1: How did you--
Hunter: (blows the mercs up with a missile) Hey, all my stuff is still in peak condition after ten years! I need to buy from this company more often.
Written by Deshiel:
Right now I can't wait to (and I hope that it actualy happens) see the enemy go full WTH is going on when they realise who they are actualy fighting.
I would like to see atleast one seuqence where someone goes.
"Who's this guy we are up against?"
"Someone called... the wrath"
The wrath: "He still is... "
Written by Xakthul:
Random Merc #1: Who's the cowboy with the shiny guns? We should steal 'em.
Merc #2: Absolutely... *turns to yell at the cowboy* GIVE US YOUR F*CKIN' STUFF.
Voidhound: Um, no.
Merc #1: I have news for you, idiot. We're the hottest sh*t around, and you're screwed-
Voidhound: *shoots him in the face* I'm the damn Voidhound. No hotter sh*t than me can exist.
Original thread here
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