Thursday, 28 April 2016

Knights of the Fallen Empire: Chapter 11 "Disavowed"

This is a story of Sith Warrior (Emperor's Wrath), mostly Dark Side

Theron keeps searching for useful allies throughout the universe. Well, his last call has brought you an experienced saboteur. How worse could the new one be?

Knights of the Fallen Empire: Chapter 11 "Disavowed" 
Captain America Major Jorgan: The Winter Warrior

Theron keeps revealing people from your past who currently live on Zakuul and fight Arcann's empire in their own way. First SCORPIO who led the underground (well, not Theron's finding, but anyway), then Kaliyo. Who's he found for you now?

This Major Jorgan guy seems to be a decent ally. If he's up to anything (like protecting exiles, for example), even the Emperor's Wrath's opinion doesn't matter.


Choices matter
In Chapter 11 "Disavowed" there are several moments with DS/LS choice:
 - on your way to the Havoc squad camp you'll meet locals - exiles hunted by the skytroopers. It's obvious that the skytroopers came after you. Several times you'll be given a choice to say they're on their own (DS option) or to aggree to protect them (LS option, Aric Jorgan approves). Whatever you choose, Aric will keep doing what he thinks is right (and he believes they should be under your protection). You'll have no choice but to follow him.
 - in the end of the chapter when Aric has already joined your alliance he'll be facing a choice to follow you to Odessen and to help you as an experienced strategist (DS choice) or to stay with exiles on Zakuul and help them to organize a semi-military squad (LS, Aric approves). To be honest, Aric is more useful on Odessen and the exiles don't need a nanny to handle themselves, but the cathar major thinks in a different way.

Female Troopers previously married with Jorgan can renew romzncing by picking Flirt options in dialogs. In case you were romancing any of KOTFE companions previous romance will end (no related cutscenes or letters).

Companions: old and new
You get Aric Jorgan as your permanent companion in Chapter 11. His favourite gifts are Weapon.

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